Our Client

PT. DEBINDO     FOCUS Innovative Architecture & Design      LIVINDO contractor
                        LACEWOOD interior consultant       
 New Dizzi                 PT. MITRA BALI INDAH      CLICK DESIGN Bali     
        EVAN Light                  ART BALI      ARTNEOdesign         ASTON café                 ADC contractor       Mr. Hartono, Jakarta        Mr. Nico Hutaro, Malang      
                              Mr. Paulus, Surabaya                 Mr. Lukman Tan, Surabaya
    Mrs. Stella R, Taiwan               Mr. George, Australia
                  Mr. Rozzle, Singapore            Mrs. Christy, America
Mrs. Irma, California                     Mr Budianto, Jakarta 
     NL interior       Macvee Contractor         Young Interior

ARTNEO says: 
"Saya sudah cukup lama mengamati karya-karya 3Dvizart. Saya melihat ada karakter gambar yg tidak dimiliki oleh kompetitor lain. Dan hal tersebut juga diakui oleh owner / klien saya.
Tanpa bertatap muka & hanya diskusi via email, pekerjaan yg saya berikan bisa selesai dengan baik, cepat & sesuai."

Fady Kersit says: 
"A big ovation from morocco to a brother from indonesia, a really amazing work not just technical but also artistic and sensible, keep up this amazing work, all the best of luck for the future, inchallah "

Mrs Christie says: 
"Thank you Munir! Couldn't have done it without you. Check out my site, i put ur name for credit rendering. They like the lobby by the way! Your rendering is 'sadist' haha thank youuu..."

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